Sunday, 8 December 2013

Teaching My skill


My Blog is going to be about teaching my client who isn't experienced in football how to 'dribble with the ball' and then do a 'step over' to create space. In football, by doing a simple step over it allows my client to then be in space as he has tricked the defender into challenging at the wrong time and create a false movement to make the opponent challenge on the wrong side and therefore has gone past them giving themselves more time to then think about what to do next.

Session 1

In my first session i am going to conduct a step over so that my client will get the general idea of how to dribble and then conduct a step over is, this will allow my subject to get some visual information gathered. this will involve me dribbling the ball over a short period of time and then performing a double step over which is where you bring your foot in and over the ball with ine foot and the do it with the other foot

now i have given my client the demonstration of the skill i am now going to let my client have a go therefore i will be able to view how i can develop it


in my first session i gave my client some external feedback as the information i gave to him was being told to him rather than from himself, from this video i have explained to my client that his technique of performing the dribbling has everything that it needs, it could just do with some more practice so that my subject can do it faster under the same control, for the step over, as you can see my subject wasnt able to perform a step over and this was probably due to him having poor coordination in his feet, as he is more confident with his hands and playing rugby.

The /internal feedback that i got from my subject is that they thought that the didn't do too well and that he they couldn't do it.

after i have given my feedback on the result of the step over, i had explained to my client the effects of what a step over can do in a game like situation.and that it can create space when you are dribbling towards an opponent. as you can see in the video, my client isn't that confident when performing the skill as his knowledge of a step over is purely a visual experience where he has seen me perform it and he said he had seen it on the tele rather than a self experiences and therefore it is something new for him. now that i have told this too my subject and seen his attempt of my skill i told my client the next steps in what i am going to take, and the plan for the next sessions.

Session 2

after my first session i have realised that i will need to break down the skill into different sections, in my second session it is going to be about the first and second part in the breakdown of my skill.

The first step is going to be about the preparation of a step over which is where you are dribbling with the ball, this is important in the game as you want to disguise the step over from the opponent, this drill will involve my subject developing his speed when dribbling.

The second step is going to be about dragging the ball over with his foot to show the relation of doing a step over, all that makes it difference is that the movements are done without the ball, and if he can do it with the ball, he would be more comfortable doing it with the ball

To start off with i am going to perform this drill to create a base set of information for my client to take in.

(video to be posted)

(video to be posted)

now my client has seen the two drills they are now going to perform these drills themselves to get the feeling of it and create a better overall improvement in the skill of doing an step over.

as you can see my client is more confident at doing these one by one steps, by doing these my client is replicating each step of doing a step over, therefore at the end of this session as shown in the video my client is becoming more comfortable with the ball at there feet which will help with these two steps as the skill will be more fluent and will start to become a sort of second nature response when i ask them to perform these two drills consecutively.

Session 3

In my third session i am going to do another two steps:

in the first skill i am going to teach my client how to do the step over itself, this is where you bring your leg over the ball, using the leg that you don't want to kick the ball with so you can then use your other leg to kick the ball in the opposite direction of the previous step over

the second skill i am going to teach my client is how to put more than one step over together in a single movement, therefore my client will be able to further confuse there opponent due to the fact there opponent may perceive a step over and therefore he can step over twice to go the direction of the first step over or three times to go the other side.

firstly i am going to show my client how to perform the step the step over so that my client has even more knowledge on how to perform these steps instead of just auditory information.

(video 1)

(video 2)

now my client is going to have a go and here is the outcome:

as you can see in the videos my client is now getting use to performing the one step over which shows that my client is developing a better coordination with his feet and the ball, now that he has performed all of these steps there is only one thing left to do and that is put them all together.

Session 4

in my final coaching session i am now going to put all of my previous sessions into one, i am now going to teach my client how to put all of the four stages together to create the movement of dribbling and then doing a step over, with this my aim is for the client is for him to be able to complete the step over doing one step over, and if possible two or three.

overall i think that my subject learnt a lot from these sessions as he came from the cognitive stage of learning to the associative stage

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